You have probably seen radio or television ads for debt settlement, debt consolidation or bankruptcy alternatives. On the surface, they may seem too good to be true, offering to reduce your credit card or other debt to pennies on the dollar without filing bankruptcy. In most cases, the offers are too good to be true.
At Kaniuk Law Office, we offer a free initial consultation to explore your debt relief options.
Debt settlement, also known as debt negotiation, is a process of asking your credit card company to accept less than what you owe. Debt consolidation loans attempt to consolidate all your debts into a single payment that presumably would be less than you were paying before. However, neither approach offers any guarantees. For example:
Working with Kaniuk Law Office will ensure you are making an educated decision when it comes to debt settlement and debt negotiation vs. filing bankruptcy.
For some, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a better option: